Monday, December 17, 2012

New AJ Welcoming Title Thing!

Hey people, now when you log on to animal jam. You will see this thing on your log on page or what ever it's called.  Log on today!

New AJ Fonts!

Hey people, sorry for the late news.  I was looking at houses in California.  But lets get back to the subject.  New AJ font on the animal maker!  It has back rounds for all the animals you can buy.  And here's a picture of the Snow Leopard back round!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Hey people!  There's an epic party at Iadorepuppies' den!  Go to it, it's almost full.

Random Player!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey people, after a really long time, I finally found a Random Player of the Week!  And here he is!!!

             SNOWYCLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!  A really awesome blogger that is really successful!  He has a lot of fans and probably the most famous person in Jamma! 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

So Obvious!!!!

Hey people!  I just caught a huge obvious scam!  And here's the story!  I was just walking around randomly for no reason (I'm serious please don't laugh).  And then I found a person who said, "give me some rares for a Snow Leopard code!" And I knew it was a obvious scam!  So I said I am videoing you   on youtube, and she moves a way from me.  Then she tried her scammy thing again and then randomly, she just asked a person to adopt her!  SCAMMER!!!  Plz report her, thanks for the help.

My New Author!

Hey people,  as you can see I have a new author!  And it's Devon78303!  You may know her, because she has a blog too!

Hello Jammers!

I am officialy an author for this blog!

You probably know me..

I will be helping out with new daily items, AJHQ posts, and more!


My Scammer List

nannersbeetle151 (bettlenanners15)
wolftaylr (den suprisingly unlocked)



                                                                                              tune in for more scammer lists, and be sure to report these people >:ll

Scammer Caught

Hey people I just caught a scammer!  And here she is,  you can also find her on Devon78303's blog "".  But anyways here she is >:((!!!


Hey people!  Reindeer are back in Jamma for the Christmas season! Be sure to buy one today!

New Alpha Spot Light!

Hey people!  Now you can learn Peck's story at the Daily Explorer!  Be sure to look at it!

New AJ Stickers and More!

Hey people!  Now you can get new Animal jam stickers, key chains, and posters at Jamma outfitters!  Be sure to pick one up today!

Happy Jammalidays!

Hey people!  Guess what, jammalidays celebrations are now here again!  You can look at the party list and see if one is starting!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Painting

Hey people, I am going to send this to AJHQ!  Do you think they'd like it?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Daily Present!

Hey people, in stead of the gem bonus.  You get daily present!  Like today, I just got a patch of lolly pops for my daily gift!  Be sure to get it today!  Oh ya, and I got a snow leopard!